In In The News

The dramatic changes being made at American Industries in Sharon, Pa., continued in August as the company conducted its eighth rapid improvement event, this time focused on the saw and plate line. Sixteen members from AI and other Stucki locations applied the 5S process — sort, straighten, shine, standardize and sustain — to improve workplace organization, safety and efficiency.

“The impact was immediately noticeable,” said JASON LHOTA, general manager. “The cleanliness and organization that resulted from their efforts will lead to increased efficiency and productivity for our operation.”

The team removed unnecessary materials, tools, equipment and clutter that had accumulated over the years. Machinery was thoroughly cleaned and work areas were rearranged so essential items could be quickly and safely accessed.

“The transformation was dramatic,” said MIKE WALL, continuous improvement coach for Stucki. “They also corrected a number of potentially hazardous conditions, including slip hazards, die storage and saw blade storage. The employees mapped the entire process and created about 20 additional action items intended to further improve safety and organization.

“It’s exciting and inspiring to see the work our team members are doing at American Industries,” said JOHN O’BRYAN, chief executive officer. “Their efforts are a shining example of how a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement can totally transform a work environment.”

Participants in the August continuous improvement event at American Industries included (from left): Larry Perks (team lead), Mike Shaw, Cody Daughtery, John Baritell, Mike Faust, Greg Loya, Fred Miller, Charles Brown, Leroy Taylor and Mike Rosas. Not pictured: Rick Clary, Katelyn Fairthorne, Adam Hunyadi, Todd Johnson, Al Rice, Candace Shepard and Mike Wall.

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