• The DynamIQTM 742 has one of the highest impact rating velocities of any gear on the market, in effect protecting cars from impacts at higher velocity.
• The DynamIQTM 742 weighs 312 lbs, which is significantly lighter & more streamlined compared to an all-metal friction gear.
• Fits all standard yoke & car construction specifications. Fits 24-5/8” standard pocket.
• Combined steel and elastomeric draft gear.
• Parts for the friction clutch of the DynamIQTM 742 are shared with the PowRGuardTM draft gear line for proven performance.
• The gear is acceptable for properly used thaw sheds with high temperatures due to high quality urethane components.
• The DynamIQTM 742 friction clutch protects the housing of the draft gear qualifying it for future long term reconditioning so, it can be used again & again.
• Pre-shortened for easy application.
• AAR conditional approval under M-901E.
• AAR Rule 21, Group J Type Gear.
• Full Warranty.